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Things That Make Me Happy – Part 1

Oftentimes, we have to wade through a sea of negativity in our daily lives. People are quick to tear down instead of build up. The pace of life is too quick to take time out to appreciate the beauty around and in us. Sometimes, it’s easy to get sucked in when there’s someone spouting negatively. It’s easier than trying to contradict it. But we must contradict it, otherwise we allow ourselves to be miserable. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be miserable. So, in the first of a series of posts, I present in no particular order…

Things That Make Me Happy

  • Finding the perfect spot behind my dog’s ear to scratch that makes her floppy little jowls curl into a smile.
  • Seeing the corn, strawberries, tomatoes, and other plants my husband planted start to bear fruit.
  • Days where the sky is so cloudless, blue, and sunny that you can’t help but feel your soul smile.
  • A kind word from a good friend.
  • A hot bath on a cool day.
  • A cool bath on a hot day.
  • The smell of fresh baked goods.
  • Wiggling my toes in warm sand.
  • Firing up the grill and relaxing in the backyard with good food and good conversation.
  • Going on an adventure to some interesting place I’ve never been before.
  • Learning something new and interesting.
  • Sharing my good fortune with someone else.
  • Helping someone less fortunate than me.

I have much more that makes me happy, but I’ll save that for a later  post. I may even include pictures! So, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what makes YOU happy!


Want more happiness? Continue on to Things That Make Me Happy – Part 2.

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